Tuesday, April 15, 2014

December 1, 2013

Dear Family,

First, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving here. We actually found a
turkey, and we all brought something--the pumpkin pie that Gma and Gpa
Schwendiman sent was the biggest hit since sliced bread. Celebrations
are fun, but it is nice when they are over, isn't it?

In answer to questions, Barry is having a little bit of a struggle
with getting to church, so we have put things on hold until he is able
to get that straightened out. There is quite a bit of opposition from
the AOG church in that specific village, but he should come around
pretty quick.
If I remember correctly, Pres. Mecham will be coming sometime this
month. But I could be mistaken. My memory is still a bit of a jumbley
mess, but I believe that he is coming this month.

There have been some very special moments for me this last week that
probably didn't mean that much to anyone else. One of which was
Burnis. He has been trying really hard to come to church for the last
month or so, but can't walk for the hour to get here. So he has been
trying to hitch-hike for the last several weeks. He was finally able
to come to church yesterday (he flagged down a scooter and got on the
back, quite precariously I must add). There have been a few little
things like this that have been making me pretty happy lately.

I finally got those Christmas lights up that you sent me. They are
pretty dang great.

Things are still moving along. We will see what happens.

I am doing well. I am happy and safe. I love you all very much.

Elder Gerber

PS--Andy, here is a list of instruments that I have been wanting to learn:
1. Violin (you have already started this one, but I want to learn how to fiddle)
2. Trumpet (Owen already has this one nailed down, but I always
thought it'd be fun)
3. Drums (you'd have to check with Mom and Dad on this one...)
4. Penny whistle
5. The Cordian (not the accordian. The instrument in the cartoons that
looks like an accordian  but isn't)
6. Banjo
7. Chinese flute
8. Mandolin (honestly, I would choose the banjo over this one)
9. Ocarina (apparently, you know this one already)
10. Any bass instrument--washtub bass, cello, bass fiddle, bass guitar, etc.

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